Welcome Fellow Pig Nerd!

If you’re interested in learning how to grow a successful business from your Meishan (or any breed of) pigs, then you’re in the right place. My name is Laura Jensen – aka: the Pig Nerd®. I am a registered Meishan hog breeder, butcher, artisan food store owner, and farmer who loves sharing what I've learned with others.

Streamline your journey (and finances) with me. Schedule a consultation for one-on-one guidance on farming, stock, and business.

saved from the brink

Ever wonder what happens when the search for healthier food sources collides with loaning a trailer to a stranger? Well, in my case, we saved the Meishan pig from extinction.

learn more
  • Farm

    Farming ain’t easy… so every tip adds up. Mishaps can be costly and time consuming. I’ll share my experiences and work with you to help find solutions for your unique needs.

  • Stock

    Wondering how best to care for and raise your hogs? Want advice on how to structure your herd? I can help you understand everything you need to know - no matter what breed of pig.

  • Business

    From choosing farm product sales avenues, creating specialty HACCP plans, applying for USDA certification, to retail store licensing, I can take you step by step through the processes.